Bunnell-Stratford HS

Bulldog Marching Band & Guard

Band Parents F.A.Q.s
(Frequently Asked Questions)


Why do I have to raise $455 to be in the Band?

Since we are a non-profit, non-funded organization, the band has to raise money to operate each year. The band parents executive board meets with the band director to set a budget. We have to pay for busses, custodians, staff, equipment (Flags, Props, Drum Heads etc...), awards, and design fees, as well as Scholarships for deserving Graduates each year. Any Parent who wishes to see the expenses for the band can make an appointment with the band parents president, or the band director, to sit down and view the budget. The uniform is usually issued when the student is current with their fund raising obligation. Any student who has a financial hardship, or needs extra time to raise the funds can make a plan with the Band Director, and will then be issued a uniform.

Is Stratford the only town that does not fully fund their Marching Band?

This is NOT unique to Stratford. Many bands all across the country have to raise their own operating funds. Many towns in CT have fund raising obligations double or triple those of ours. The band parents organization raises additional funds to keep the cost low for every student.. This is why we ask for everyone to volunteer to help, so the burden of keeping the obligation low is not placed on the shoulders of just a few parents.

Where do I sit when attending a competition?

We are a very proud organization and we all try to sit together. We sit on the 50-yard line. Bring your blankets, stadium seats, gloves and hats. Pom-poms, noisemakers, and cowbells are also very popular.

Do I have to pay for 2 Championship tickets even if I am not going?

Yes, this is a requirement of the USBands. Every student account will be charged for 2 Championship tickets. The Championships will be held at a large professional football stadium, such as MetLife Stadium. You can purchase more than 2 tickets if needed. If you decide not to go, you can sell your tickets to families who need more than 2. There will be an online form to sign up for tickets, as well as a reserve a bus seat to the big event, and sell your tix, if you don't need them.

How do I get the Student Account Balance Sheet?

Student Account Balance Sheets are updated and made available to the parents at the General Meetings. If there are any questions, please let the student accounts chairperson on the executive board know right away.

How do I clean the uniform?

Black Jackets are Dry Clean Only. Black Pants are Machine Washable.

Are there other expenses?

Additional Items and their Cost:

Some of these items will be for certain students only. Bass drum Mallets, stick bags, Cowbells and Clamps, and certain pit mallets can be returned in good usable condition at the end of the year for a credit to the students account. All other items, such as rifles, shoes windpants and drumsticks become the property of the student and may be kept.

Here is a list of items and their cost:


Dreadlocks/Smax $22

Brushes $16

Bass Puff Mallets $33

Bass Mallets $33

Cowbell & Clamp $48

Stick Bag $13

Quad Mallets $25

Snare Sticks/Quad Sticks  $15


Rifles: $30

Shoes: $28-$30

Band Proper:

Shoes $45

Gloves $2


2 tickets to Championships $22-25 each.

Seeing your child perform their best - Priceless!